The foundations of child education in Saadi's discourse and the theoretical foundations of the document on the fundamental transformation of education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Farhangyan university

2 Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of recognizing the foundations of environmentalism and essentialism in child education in Saadi's thought and comparing with the position of these foundations in the theoretical foundations of the fundamental transformation of education.
Method and Materials: The method of conducting the study was a library which was done by referring to sources and documents related to the subject. The documents in question were theoretically and purposefully selected from Saadi's two works called Bostan and Golestan and the theoretical foundations of the Fundamental Transformation of Education document. The sample unit was selected according to the library studies by referring to the selected documents, the chapters related to education in Golestan and Bostan, and the text of the theoretical foundations of the Transformation Document. The data were collected with the help of taking notes and taking notes and were analyzed using the text review and analysis method.
Findings and conclusions: In the process of collecting, analyzing and comparing the data extracted from the texts, three approaches were finally separated, which examined the category of education from different angles: the essentialism perspective, the environmental perspective. Integralism and perspective (essentialism/environmentalism).


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