The effect of story poem on the learning of seventh grade grammatical categories (case study, verb, infinitive, past and present tense)

Document Type : Original Article



The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of stories and poems on the learning of seventh grade grammatical categories.I during six weeks , made my research operational and studied and investigated by classifying the seventh grade students into two groups of 30 people, experimental and control.
The teaching of the mentioned topics was taught to the students of the experimental group using the poems written by the teacher, and the students, while actively participating in learning and unconsciously memorizing the educational poems, felt a special happiness and joy during the education; However, teaching the mentioned subjects to the control group was done in a normal way without using poems and stories. In the sixth week of the research, the evaluations of the students of the two experimental and control groups showed that the average scores of the experimental group in the total of oral and written questions were 1.52 points higher than the average scores of the control group. The findings of this research indicate that the use of poetry and stories in Learning grammatical categories has a significant effect and their attractiveness for students not only facilitates learning, but also induces a sense of happiness.


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