"Criticism and investigation of the structure of expressive elements in the poems of the Persian book of the first grade of elementary school"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 (PhD of Persian Language and Literature، The instructor of farhangian University)

3 assistant professor


accuracy Because, on the one hand, the child poet is committed to the poetry and poetics of the work And on the other hand, she should consider the level of understanding, understanding and developmental needs of her audience (child).
The current research aims to investigate and critically analyze the structure of the expressive elements of Persian poetry in the first grade of elementary school by using descriptive-analytical quantitative research method and using library resources to find answers to research questions; Questions such as: To what extent have children's poetry poets paid attention to the audience's level of understanding in using imaginary elements? Also, how much did the authors of the first elementary Persian book pay highest frequency of imaginary elements is symbol (simple and accessible symbols) and metaphor of the second type (recognition); However, among the things that can be criticized are the metaphor of the first type (explicit or obvious) and the existence of general similes (with the elimination of similes) - which should not be present in children's poetry.


Main Subjects