Measuring the readability of the book Science and Literary Techniques of the 10th grade of humanities based on Gunning Fog, Flesh and Power methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student in Curriculum Planning, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran

2 Bachelor student of software engineering, Islamic Azad University, Varamin branch

3 Master student in Educational Management, Islamic Azad University, Pishva branch


Textbooks are the most important resources of the teaching-learning process, and the content of the books should be designed and edited appropriately for each age group and educational level in order to achieve sufficient effectiveness. One of the things that we should pay attention to in the compilation of textbooks is the level of readability of the books. The goals of this research are as follows: 1- Readability of the tenth grade literary science and techniques book based on Gunning Fog, Flash and Power methods. 2- Can the contents of the book be taught independently without the need of a teacher? The statistical population of the current research is all the sentences and words in the text of the book, and the statistical sample of the research also includes 3 texts of one hundred words that were randomly selected. The text analysis method is based on Gunning Fog, Flash and Power methods. The results of the obtained data show that the content of the science and literary techniques book is not age appropriate for the tenth grade. Also, the content of the book cannot be learned independently without a teacher. Therefore, planners should review the book again.


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