The causes of students' lack of motivation in writing or essay lessons' (a case study of 10th grade students of Ishaghiya High School in Yazd)

Document Type : Original Article


The essay lesson is one of the lessons that has a direct relationship with creativity; Students think about the subject by using words as well as making appropriate sentences and using their creativity; Therefore, the essay lesson in the curriculum is the same as the place of the performing arts among other arts. All the arts are expressed in the art of performance, and the essay, like this art, is a re-creation and a person's perception of the creation. The present research processes the causes and factors of lack of motivation among tenth grade students. The research plan is descriptive and practical research (action research), using the library and survey method, in order to solve the created problem and try to improve lack of motivation in the essay lesson. Considering the action research nature of the research, the experiences of colleagues, guidance and interviews with parents and students have been used for better performance. The findings of the research show that the most important causes of students' lack of motivation in Persian writing and essay lessons are lack of interest in the lesson, lack of extracurricular studies, students' lack of awareness of social issues around them, and in this regard, specialized and general solutions have been presented


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