The relationship between the linguistic intelligence of Persian language and literature teachers and the level of academic achievement of second year high school students in Ghorve city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master's student in Persian language and literature education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of conducting this research is to open a new door for all teachers, especially teachers and instructors of teaching literature books. The research population includes all teachers of the second year of high school in  Ghorve city, and since the size of the research population is about 100 people, we should select almost the entire community as a sample, as well as all the students who are studying in this course. The method of the present research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of correlation type, in order to analyze the data SPSS software and statistical tests of Pearson correlation coefficient and regression test were used. The results showed that the situation of verbal intelligence of Persian literature teachers in  Ghorve city is at the optimal level and there is no significant difference between the verbal intelligence of male and female teachers. The level of academic progress of secondary school students in  Ghorve city in the Persian literature course is at an optimal level, and there is a significant difference between the academic progress status of the Persian literature course of male and female students.


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